Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More thoughts on Yesterdays Post

So you have read the words and you have looked at the photos but if I may I would like to carry the thought a little further. I like the fourth and fifth versions the best but look at your favorite and sit back and look at the porch, look at the small deck on floor two, and listen, can you hear the love? Roll time backwards and take the antenna off the roof and lets put a couple of black labs or sheep dogs in the yard. Yes, and throw away your cellphone.
Lets make it a Sunday in July. Our stomachs are full and it is time to rest and prepare for the week that is to come and we just seem to be drawn to that porch. Listen to the conversations, listen to the love, listen to the decisions, listen to the summer rain and yes, hear the tears and fear and the uncertainty of tomorrow. A wicker rocker is waiting for me and of course a nap and sitting there we actually listen to what is said and get closer to understanding the others needs and feelings.  And time, can't you hear time start to stand still?

Another couple of quotes,  this time from Mickey Newbury's song "116 Westfield Street"

" Here on this street was the house that sheltered us all
  I can still feel the love that lived in these old rotting walls
  Oh who could have thought it could ever come tumbling down"

" Here on this street was the house that sheltered us all
  Oh I can still hear the laughter that once followed me down the hall
  Who could have thought it could ever come tumbling down
  That is my childhood"

" Nothing is certain and certainly nothing is sure
 Only a dream so it seems is sure to endure
 My life is measured in small bits and pieces of time
 Small bits and pieces of life that perfectly rhyme"

I wish a big porch for all of you and a life that perfectly rhymes.....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Six views, you pick the one you like.......

Just sitting here listening to Tom Waits "the house where nobody lives" and wondering.   Here are a few of the words from the song..........

"Once it held laughter
Once it held dreams
Did they throw it away
Did they know what it means
Did someone's heart break
Or did someone do somebody wrong?
So if you find someone
Someone to have, someone to hold
Don't trade it for silver
Don't trade it for gold
I have all of life's treasures
And they are fine and they are good
They remind me that houses
Are just made of wood
What makes a house grand
Ain't the roof or the doors
If there's love in a house
It's a palace for sure
Without love...
It ain't nothin but a house
A house where nobody lives
Without love it ain't nothin
But a house, a house where
Nobody lives."

Something to think about on Valentines Day............