Saturday, December 5, 2009

Citi 401k 9-2007 to Present

In August 2007 the Citi 401k plan was expanded to include new funds. Attached are links to downloads of a both Power Point Show and Pdf that illustrates the changes in the net asset value, by percent, of those funds in relation to a base of 8-31 or 9-1-2007. Both show the same information. Neither are now autoplay but screens change based on your action. = Pdf = PowerPoint

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful Complacent Mediocrity

Complacent = self-satisfied.
Mediocrity = mediocre ability or accomplishment.
Work ethic = a dedication to work, or belief in the moral value of hard work

This is the world I live in. A world I helped create. I see it everywhere. I hear it in the words we speak, in our actions and ideas, what we wear, what we watch and listen to, and where we work. I feel it in my heart.

Where is our fire and drive? Where is the desire for perfection? It's certainly not in our work ethic. Dedication and moral value, did we have it and then loose it? Look back at the days of fire and excitement on the job. Look back at the day when we began. Think of all those dreams. Is it reality that sets in as the days turn into years or loss of satisfaction at the perception of a dead end life we lead or the feeling we have been constantly lied to or that the carrot hanging from the stick has been just out of reach for to long.

Maybe mediocrity was always there and we in our excitement felt like we had more than that. Maybe we are supposed to feel as though we are a success. Maybe the people in authority want us to feel successful with 2 baths and 4 bedrooms and 2 cars even as the debt reaches way to high. Maybe we are to accept where we are and not complain. Maybe mediocrity is the new standard of success and that way I can go to work tomorrow and, even though I am not really needed, pretend I am a success. We go so fast we don't see what is around us. We want when we don't need and complain when we don't have.

As I sit here tonight I hope all are as fortunate as I am, my stomach is full and I am warm. I have at least one friend who thinks about me. I have a job and transportation. I will be warm as I sleep and have clean clothes to wear in the morning after my shower. I have health and safety. For now I will be thankful. For now I will be thankful for self satisfied mediocre accomplishments.

When will I be able to look past my mediocrity, my thankful complacent mediocrity...........

Friday, November 20, 2009

Citi's 401k Funds

In August 2007 the Citi 401k plan was expanded to include new funds. Attached is a link to a download of a Power Point Show that illustrates the changes in the net asset value, by percent, of those funds in relation to a base of 8-31 or 9-1-2007. The show should run automatically with a 5 second interval.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Give Thanks

With Thanksgiving just around the corner maybe we need to look back at what we have. There is a song called "Satisfied Mind" and those words float through my brain every once in a while. I am sure very few have heard these words and I hope I can do it justice.

" Once I was winning in fortune and fame Everything I ever needed for a start in life's game then suddenly it happened, I lost every dime Now I'm richer by far with a satisfied mind. Money can't buy back your youth when you're old, a friend when you're lonely or a heart that's grown cold The worlds richest person is a pauper at times compared to the man with the satisfied mind."

I am not promoting poverty nor quitting your job. I am asking what it takes to be satisfied. I feel the perception of the definition of satisfaction has been perverted. From the Free Dictionary by Farlex, "1. the act of satisfying or state of being satisfied". So my question is what does it take to be satisfied.

I feel our perception of satisfaction has changed to the point where we can't be satisfied unless we have the biggest, the best, the newest, or the coolest. Also we have coupled that perceived need with the need for immediacy. We have a cell phone and and when it rings we drop everything to answer or read that text and others when they phone or text expect the immediate response. Remember when we we had just a land line and we would come home and check the answering machine. Was it simpler then? Were you satisfied?

The TV commercial screams buy me buy me and we race to the store once again for the biggest best newest. Sit down and look around your house and ask yourself, as you look at all the dust collectors, if they really made you satisfied or was it merely the need for immediate gratification and the search for perceived satisfaction. Look at the size of your house and ask how much room you really need and how much of it is merely wasted space. How much could you eliminate and still be satisfied?

I'm starting to ramble now so lets complete this. Life is full of needs and fantasies and sometimes we live in a fantasy. Sometimes my fantasies are all I have left because if I faced reality I'd be afraid of depression. Sometimes our fantasies cause us to to live in a world of fake reality. Sometimes those fantasies change our perception of satisfaction and satisfaction becomes just an illusion.

"Money can't buy back your youth when you're old,
a friend when you're lonely,
or a heart that's grown cold".

With Thanksgiving just around the corner maybe we need to look back at what we have......

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Boys always want to play in the mud

It's getting late for me but I sit here at this keyboard with some thoughts to share. It is quiet except for my refrigerator and the yelling (nightly occurrence) from another apartment. I can't explain it but maybe that is their idea of love, one they got from TV or just following in their parents footsteps. Maybe they have just not yet grown up.

I drove west today in hopes of getting a good photo and did see somethings and did snap a few and will have to look at the photos in more detail tomorrow. I was very close to stuck as a gravel road I was on turned to a path. At that point I new it was minimum maintenance but I had traveled almost a mile on it. Then, when I get to the point where I could almost spit to the next crossroad, there is a mud hole. So should I back up till I can find a spot to turn around or test the quality of my four wheel drive. I rolled slowly forward into it to test a bottom and backed out. Then I went a little deeper and backed out. Now, if it has a good gravel bottom, I should be alright. One more time I entered the mud hole but this time far enough to get the back tires wet.

Suddenly it was almost as though the mud took over pulling (actually sliding) the front end to the left into another rut left by another brave or stupid soul. It is now time to back out and stay out and travel that mile back to safety but wait, 4 wheel drive reverse clutch out and gun the engine and the front end wants to slide more to the left so I go forward about a foot then back about a foot and so on.

At this point I know I can't make it through going forward and am having grave doubts about getting out by going backwards. I wonder how close someone would be that could help me and how dumb they would think I am. Again a little forward and a little back but this time I felt the rear tire finally start to grab something and suddenly I was out. To close for comfort and to far from fun.

The yelling from the other apartment stopped without anything sounding like tears and the refrigerator still runs on. Maybe tomorrow I will need to clean the truck as the mud flew everywhere. Beautiful day to be alive.........

The Big Picture

A site with good photos. This week is H1N1.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Photo of Me

I am like many people in that I do not believe there has ever been a good photo of me. A photo is only the capture of a moment in time. I will find one or take one tomorrow but remember, tomorrow is always one day away........

Boxcar Art

There are probably as many things I like as I dislike. I've found that as I go through life my time seems to be spent more on going around in circles than finding the right path. This is a little out of the ordinary for me so, if you will, bear with me as I try to find my way. If you find something here you dislike, so be it. I am sure some of these things someday in the future I won't like either.....

November Squirrel on Sunflower Seeds