Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Saint Patricks Day at the Y.....

Handshakes and sweat socks and
the smell of jerseys never washed.
Basketballs bouncing and 80 decibel noise and
laughter and cheers and
Britney Spears wannabees and 
fresh faces in low riders and push up bras and
baggy shorts and tennis shoes and backwards caps.
Balding beer bellied refs and
buzzers and whistles and three point shots and
air balls and butterfingers and steals and fouls.
The American Flag.
Time outs and time outs and time outs
the second period is almost over.
And photos and trophies,
and see you tomorrows.

St Patrick's Day at the Y.....
the last game I'll see my boys play.....
at least I was there.....
at least I care.....
St Patrick's Day at the Y.....